The power of both social media marketing and digital storytelling are unparalleled. We’ve seen how Instagram changes lives, how Facebook brings unlikely groups together, and how strong copy can help to unify us in the darkest of times. Content Queens was created to help dynamic businesses step into their power. Consumers want transparency from businesses, and having distinct, valuable, engaging content is the best way to establish your values, share your unique point of view and be memorable.

Creativity and collaboration are the core of who we are. Connection is at the root of every campaign, and we’re deeply passionate about helping your team form long-lasting relationships with consumers. We aim to populate your pages with content that inspires, educates, and is both relatable and aspirational. Our ultimate goal is to help bring your company’s digital dreams into reality. Let’s get started.


Our team is composed of incredibly driven, out-of-the-box thinkers. We’re powerful wordsmiths, designers, and dreamers bringing innovative thinking and nuanced creativity to every table. Versatility is our middle name, and we know how to easily adapt to the changing technical landscape and each client’s unique needs.

Our team is predominately made up of Black, Brown, and LGBTQIA+ individuals and creative change-makers who historically have their fingers on the pulse of culture and society’s next chapter. From conquering the algorithm to tackling TikTok- we’re eager to help shape the future of digital marketing. With a deep understanding of social media, technology, and building a brand’s aesthetic- we’re up to any challenge.


At the helm of our team is our fearless leader, Loren Childress. With 10+ years of media and marketing work, her extensive experience includes: marketing for nonprofit groups, tackling the tech industry, elevating influencers, extensive branding and design, strategic content planning, and so much more. Loren graduated early from Texas Tech University after earning her BA and MA in Marketing and has been working with clients from a multitude of sectors for the last decade.

Additionally, when obtaining her Master’s Degree, she minored in Human Factors Psychology so that she could understand how the eye reacts to and breaks down design, font, shape, size, and color. She has a passion for creative copywriting, graphic design, tapping into new technology, and last but certainly not least—sharing her love of content writing with her clients!